Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It Is Time for a Change

As the days leading up to the inauguration are narrowing down, I am beginning to find myself infused with excitement and joy. Personally, I am overwhelmed at the thought of having Barack Obama as our president. Not only is he dedicated to helping and serving in our country, but he is an inspiration to the future generations to come. I believe that he will generate many ideas that will help our country to become a better place. The thoughts of positivity run through my mind whenever I think about our new president. Unfortunately, there are others who feel the opposite way.

Even though I am excited about Barack Obama's inauguration, there is something that has caused me to become upset. That is the negativity. I am so tired of hearing people say things such as, "
He can't change the economy" or "He doesn't have enough experience". The negative outlooks have to stop. Throughout the whole election, I have realized how judgmental people can be. Just give him a chance! Of course everyone knows that he can't become the president one week and a week later, the country is perfect. It takes time. Before we begin to point fingers towards others, we should always look in the mirror and do a full examination of ourselves. Barack Obama is not superman. He can't perform miracles. What a lot of people fail to realize is that "Before you walk, you must learn to crawl".

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